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Section IV - Islamic Theology Of Iconoclasm

Hindu Books > Temples And Legends of India > Hindu Temples : What Happened To Them > Volume 2 > Section IV : Islamic Theology Of Iconoclasm

9. Theology of Monotheism

The destruction of Hindu temples at the hands of Islamized invaders continued for more than eleven hundred years, from the middle of the seventh century to the end of the eighteenth.

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10. The Pre-Islamic Arabs

Muslim theologians and historians present a pretty dark picture of pre-Islamic Arabia. Its people, we are told, were unrepentant pagans and polytheists unware of the Unity of God and the succession of his Prophets.

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11. Religion of Pagan Arabia

The Islamic sources do tell us that the pre-Islamic Arabs were mushriks (polytheists) addicted to worshipping numerous idols. But they do not inform us as to what those idols symbolized. The Qurăn (2.257, 259; 4.52; 53.19; 71.21) mentions some idols but only to denounce them. We reproduce below what Ibn Ishăq writes about them:

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12. Monotheism Spreads to Arabia

Monotheism had infected the Jews some two millenia before the birth of Muhammad. Moses had sold them into slavery to Jehovah, a demoniacal Spirit masquerading as the one and only God. Many books of the Bible tell the blood-curdling story of what the Jews did to themselves and to the others when goaded by this Gangster.

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13. Meaning of Monotheism

As we shall see, the Allăh of the Qurăn says again and again that he is not revealing anything new but only re-affirming what is already recorded in the earlier scripture, namely, the Bible.

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14. The Bible Appears in Arabic

The Qurăn can, without an exaggeration, be called the Bible in Arabic so far as its dominant theme is concerned. That dominant theme is monotheism with all its implications, of which the most important is iconoclasm.

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15. Muhammad and the Meccans

The Prophet had kept his mission concealed for three years after he received the first revelations. The Muslim brotherhood had functioned as a secret society. Ibn Ishăq gives a list of persons who had joined.

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16. The Prophet Destroys Pagan Temples

Judaism and Christianity had equipped the Prophet of Islam with an exclusive god and a sectarian scripture which declared war on pagan Gods and their places of worship.

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Copyright © by Hindu Books Universe All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2003-08-28 (1982 reads)

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