Table of Contents






Chapter 1:

Production Technology and
Mechanical Engineering


Chapter 2

Shipbuilding and Navigation


Chapter 3

Architecture and Civil Engineering


Chapter 4



Chapter 5



Chapter 6

Physics and Chemistry


Chapter 7

Medical Science


Chapter 8

Fine Arts


Chapter 9

Sports and Games


Chapter 10



You are currently viewing Chapter 11 on Summing up



Sanskrit-English Glossary


Next Book

A Search for Our Present
in History




"It is already becoming clearer that
a chapter which has a western beginning will have
to have an Indian ending if it is not to end in
the self-destruction of the human race...
At this supremely dangerous moment in history
the only way of salvation for mankind is the Indian Way. "

- Dr. Arnold Toynbee
British Historian 1889-1975


The issues dealt with in the various chapters are only an assorted combination of those whose origins are traced to ancient India. Culture the world over is a result of give and take between various peoples. While India has contributed to the enrichment of culture it has also drawn from the efforts of people in other parts of the world with -whom it came in contact.

Guilded Buddha at Bangkok
Buddhism has been one of
India's ennobling contributions to the World's Culture

Foreign commentators who visited India like Strabo, Megasthanes, Fa Hien, Huien Tsiang, Marco Polo, Pliny, Ibn Batuta, Al Beruni, etc., have noted the progress made by Indians. This can be seen in their writings despite the bias some of the writers had against India.

The Ashoka Pillar symbolizes
the 3 virtues of Piety, Charity, and Service
Buddhism - the world's first
missionary religion nurtured
selfless service to humankind
which later influenced the Catholic Church

This much is enough to dispel the notion that India has always been a nation dependent on other countries, has been ruled by aliens and has borrowed everything from foreign sources. A nation whose people always thought that other countries represent greener pastures for better education, employment and living.

No, we had universities like Nalanda and Takshashila, metropolises like Pataliputra and Ujjaini, emperors like Chandragupta Maurya and Samrat Ashoka, scholars like Pannini and Kautilya.

Today though India has fallen behind in the race of progress, held back by the dead weight of nearly a millenniuum of alien rule, we have proved to the world that great Indians need not only be, Kalidas, Shusruta or Ashoka but we still have a Tagore, a Raman and a Mahatma Gandhi. India can still do it, it is up to us to prove it.


Now you have come to the end of this book. A link below would take you to the glossary of Sanskrit terms. The author is in the process of presenting to you another book entitled

INDIA - A search for Our Present in History.

This book investigates into the origin of our various customs, beliefs, rituals, folklore, festivals, etc.

It looks at what we do today in our day-to-day lives and tries to answer why we do these things the way we do them. This book tries to re-create our history, by starting from the present and then going backwards into the past. Go on and explore this site, if you find this introduction to it interesting.


Glossary of Sanskrit Terms



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