The Supreme Lord said: O Arjuna,
you speak like a wise, but grieve for those who are not worthy
o grief. The wise should not lament for the living or for the dead. (2.11)
NOTE: Numbers under the parenthesis are the Chapter
number and Verse number, respectively, of the Gita. Because, just as the soul acquires a
childhood body, a youth body, and an old age body during this life, similarly, the soul acquires another
new body after death. The wise should not become bewildered by the thoughts of unavoidable death.
The one who thinks that Atma or the spirit/soul is a slayer, and the one
who thinks that the soul is slain, both are ignorant. Because, the soul neither slays nor is slain. (2.19)
Just as a person puts on a new dress after discarding the old one,
similarly, Atma acquires a new body after giving up this body. Does one
moan getting a new dress? (2.22).