Bunch Of Thoughts
M.S. Golwalkar
Part Three - The Path To Glory
(A) Rousing National Consciousness
XVII. Meeting The Historic Need
Our indebtedness to society-The best service - Past glory - Destruction by enemies - Once powerful and free - Race of Jayachands leads to Muslim and British success - The malady continues, formation of Pakistan - A house divided - History repeating itself, Dravidanad etc. - Federal structure, a poisonous seed - Basic cure.
The founder of the organisation used to put forth the aim of the Sangh in a small pithy sentence: "We have to organise and make our Hindu Society so powerful that no power on earth will dare cast an evil eye upon it." To fulfil this is the foremost duty that has devolved upon all the children of this great society.
Author : M. S. Golwalkar