Bunch Of Thoughts
M.S. Golwalkar
Part Three - The Path To Glory
(A) Rousing National Consciousness
XXVI. Forget Not The Lessons
(*) In the wake of War of Liberation of Bangladesh.
Realities of world situation - Allow not Shatru-shesh - 0ur traditional attitude towards war - People's support, the mainstay - The lessons.
The present war has thrown the country into a melting-pot and cast the nation's mind in an inspiring mood of unity and patriotic fervour. It has once again proved that our nation is intrinsically one. It has also cleared, as nothing else had done so far, the many cobwebs of confusions and illusions, which had enmeshed our thinking.
After the British had left our shores, we ardently believed that our dedication to the goal of peace and goodwill to one and all in the world would naturally be reciprocated. But the repeated doses of bitter experience administered to us over the last 25 years have disillusioned us about the unscrupulous ways of the world. A fond hope, which we had cherished with great faith so far, has also been dashed to the ground in the present crisis - the hope that we have sincere friends around the world committed to the same noble ideals as ours and who would rush to our aid in times of aggression upon us.
Author : M. S. Golwalkar