Bunch Of Thoughts
M.S. Golwalkar
Part Four - Moulding Men
XXXVI. Men With Mission
Real greatness, making men out of dust - Genuine spirit of identity - Assert faith in goodness - Building comradeship - Be self-confident, beware of self-conceit - Lesson of great lives - 'Egoless' is success - One life, one mission - Self-introspection, self-reformation - The joy of idealism - The glory of suffering - 'Excelsior'
The mission of national reorganisation i.e., of uniting in a common abiding brotherhood all our brethren torn asunder for various reasons and making them fit for national service by training each one of them suitably, is a tremendously complex task involving the interplay of countless types of human natures. It naturally defies codification or framing of flat rules of behaviour. Each man has an individuality of his own and requires a distinct approach. So we shall here focus our attention only on the main guidelines of behaviour for a worker devoted to this national mission.
Author : M. S. Golwalkar