Sanskrit : The Power Of Mantra > Page1
Sanskrit is the language of the Vedas. It originates from the rishis, seers of the Vedas, who were said to have envisioned it originally through the power of the Divine Word. The Sanskrit language is said to put forth into human sounds, the language of the Gods, the great creative cosmic vibration. It manifests from the Divine word Om, which contains within itself all sounds.
All the primary roots and forms of the Sanskrit language are present in the Rig Veda, the oldest of the Vedas or books of knowledge. From Vedic Sanskrit evolved classical Sanskrit which was the basis for Hindu, Buddhist and Jain literature. Sanskrit is thus primarily a language of spiritual knowledge, a revelation of the truth patterns of the cosmic mind. More spiritual teachings and a greater diversity of spiritual concepts and experiences can be found in Sanskrit than in any other language. Hence it is a good foundation for a global language of consciousness, the language of the spiritual science of the future, as it was the basis for that of the past. It has several important and unique values.
Author : David Frawley