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Agrawala, V.S., Masterpieces of Mathura Sculpture, Varanasi, 1965.
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Attăr, Shykh Farîdu’d-Dîn, Tadhkirăt al-Awliyă‘, translated into Urdu by Maulăna Zubayr Afzal Usmănî, Delhi, n.d.
Băbur-Năma (Memoirs of Băbur), translated from the original Turki text of Zahiru’d-dîn MuHammad Băbur Pădshăh Ghăzî by Annette Susannah Beveridge, Vols. I and II, New Delhi Reprint, 1979.
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Bloch, J. (ed.), Indian Studies, Volume in Honour of Edward James Rapson, London, 1931, Delhi Reprint, 1988.
Butterworth, Allen, and Chetty, Venugopaul V., Copper-plate and Stone Inscriptions of South India, Delhi Reprint, 1989.
The Calcutta Quran Petition By Chandmal Chopra, with two Prefaces by Sita Ram Goel, New Delhi, 1987.
The Chachnămah, translated into English by Mirza Kalichbeg Fredunbeg, Delhi Reprint, 1979.
Chuvin, Pierre, A Chronicle of the Last Pagans, Harvard, 1990.
About Author : Shri Sita Ram Goel