Tiruppatiripuliyur, colloquially known as Tiruppapuliyur, is located at Cuddalore New Town. Cuddalore is a Station on the Southern Railway between Villupuram and Mayavaram. The sanctity of a place is due to the divine effulgence by which spiritual attainments become easier. These are like Peethasthanas, in Tamil Sthalas. In Vaishnavite parlance they are called Tirupatis,meaning sacred abodes of God.
There are 108 Vaishnavite 'shrines and 274 Saivite. Special grace of God has been bestowed on His devotees in some particular places of His choice. For illustration, the six specially liked abodes of Lord Subrahmanya knownas Aaru Padai Veedugal and Kailas for Lord Siva may be cited.
Author : Shri R. K. Das