The Brahmana said :
On this 1, too, they relate an old story, (in the shape of) a dialogue, O you of a pure heart! between Kartavirya and the ocean. (There lived once) a king named Arguna 2, a descendant of Kritavirya, possessed of a thousand arms, who with his bow conquered the (whole) earth up to the ocean. Once on a time, as we have heard, he was walking about near the sea, proud of his strength, and showering hundreds of arrows on the sea. The ocean, saluting him, and with joined hands, said, 'O brave man! do not throw arrows (on me). Say, what shall I do for you? The creatures, who take shelter with me, are being destroyed, O tiger-like king! by the great arrows thrown by you. Give them security, O Lord!'
Arguna said :
If there is anywhere any wielder of the bow equal to me in battle, who might stand against me in the field, name him to me.
The ocean said :
If, O king! you have heard of the great sage Gamadagni, his son is (the) proper (person) to show you due hospitality 3.
Footnotes :
1. Namely, that final emancipation. is not to be obtained by action, and that slaughter is sinful.
2. He is also called a Yogin at Raghuvamsa VI, 38. See Mallinath's commentary there.
3. I. e. by giving him what be desired--a 'foeman worthy of his steel' to fight with him.