Arjuna Said: O Lord, You are as
You have said to be, yet I wish to see Your divine cosmic form, O
Supreme Being. (11.03)
The Supreme Lord Said: O Arjuna, you cannot see Me with your
physical eye; therefore, I give you the divine vision by which you can
see My majestic power and glory. (11.08)
Arjuna said: O Lord of the universe, With the divine vision I see You
everywhere with infinite form, with many arms, stomachs, faces, and eyes. Neither do I see the
beginning nor the middle nor the end of Your Universal Form, or the creation. (11.16)
The Supreme Lord said: O Arjuna, neither by study of the Vedas, nor
by austerity, nor by charity, nor by ritual, can I be seen in this form as
you have seen Me. (11.53)
However, through single minded devotion I can be seen in this form,
can be known in essence, and also can be reached, O Arjuna. (11.54)
One who does all works only for Me, and to whom I am the supreme
goal; who is my devotee, free from attachment, and without enmity towards all living beings; such a
person realizes Me, O Arjuna. (11.55)
Chapter Summary : Chapter 10 discusses that everything has come
out of Brahman and goes back into Brahman. Chapter 11 again emphasizes the importance of
Bhakti in spiritual journey.