Yudhishthira's pain of mind increased every day as he thought of all the
kinsmen that had been killed. He was stricken with intense remorse and decided he must
give up the world go to the forest and do penance to expiate his sin.
"I see no joy or good," he said to his brothers, in taking up
the office of king or in worldly enjoyment. Do rule the land yourselves leaving, me free
to go to the forest."
Arjuna talked of the nobility of family life and the entire good one
may do without taking sanyasa. Bhimasena also spoke and harshly.
"You talk, alas"' he said, "like a dull-witted person
who has committed to memory the texts of the sastras without understanding their sense.
Sanyasa is not the dharma of Kshatriyas.
The duty of a Kshatriya, is to live an active life and perform his
proper task, not to go to the forest renouncing activity."
Nakula also contested the propriety of Dharmaputra's proposal and
insisted that the path of work was the right one to follow and the way of sanyasa was
beset with difficulties.
Author : Shri C. Raja Gopalachari