Where all books of knowledge become one, that is the conscious Self of all beings.
Taittiriya Aranyaka III.11.20
Yoga is the calming of the disturbances of
the heart.
Patanjali, Yoga Sutras I.2
The teacher guides the student in the
meaning of the Vedas: speak the Truth, practice the Dharma, do
not be heedless in your self-study.
Taittiriya Upanishad I.19
Neither agency, nor action does the Lord
create for the world, nor the experience of the fruits of
action. All this occurs according to the nature of things.
The Lord does not recognize the good or
evil done by anyone. Knowledge is covered by ignorance, by
which creatures become deluded.
But those whose ignorance is destroyed by
knowledge of the Self, for them like the Sun, that knowledge
reveals the Supreme.
Bhagavad Gita V.14-16
Author - David Frawley