Siddhartha Gautama was born two thousand five hundred years ago.
His father was King Suddhodana. Suddhodana ruled at Kapilavastu.
Prince Siddhartha married Princess Yasodhara. He lived happily with her till he was 28.
son was born to them.
One day Prince Siddhartha went
out into the streets.
There he saw some old and sick people.
The Prince thought, "Why do people grow old, suffer, or die?" He wanted to find
the answer.
The Prince had heard that people left their homes and lived in forests to think out
answers to questions about life.
Siddhartha also went away from the palace, leaving his wife and-child behind. He decided
to live in a forest.
He cut his hair, put on beggar’s clothes, and studied under gurus.
For five full years he wandered thus, seeking an answer to his doubts.
One day he was meditating beneath a pipal tree.
Author - Dharamsey M. Khatau