We have examined the Aryan invasion theory and seenhow it has
continually failed to prove itself. It has triedto readjust itself to new
evidence that has graduallyundermined it and now leaves
nothing left to hold it up.Therefore we must look at the history of India
and theworld in the light of the collapse of the invasion theory.The
acceptance of a Vedic nature to Harappan andpre-Harappan
civilization creates a revolution in our viewof history, not just of India
but of the entire world.
First it equates Indo-European peoples with one of thelargest and
oldest of ancient civilizations not in Europe orthe Middle East but in
South Asia. The idea that theIndo-Europeans were originally
nomads or primitive inculture and took over civilization from the
people of theMiddle East is thereby called into question.
Author : David Frawley