Janya ragas, as we have seen before, are derived from the melakarta ragas. The simplest way to generate a janya raga is to leave out one or more of the swaras in the arohanam and/or avarohanam. For example, if we drop out the Ma and Ni in the arohanam of Dheerasankaraabharanam, we end up with Sa - Ri - Ga - Pa - Da - Sa for the arohanam and a sampoorna avarohanam. The resulting raga is called Bilahari.
Thus, Bilahari is described as a janya raga of the 29th melakarta Dheerasankaraabharanam with an arohanam - avaro- hanam of Sa - Ri - Ga - Pa - Da - Sa, Sa - Ni - Da - Pa - Ma - Ga - Ri - Sa. This means that when going up the scale, one may use only the notes of the arohanam, namely, Sa, Ri,Ga, Pa, Da and Sa whereas, all seven notes can be used in descent. Thus, when a Ma or Ni is used, one has to necessarily descend (using notes from the avarohanam).