Bunch Of Thoughts
M.S. Golwalkar
Part One : The Mission
I . Our World Mission
Present mental complex - Hindus, the first world thought-givers - The world of conflicts - Theories born to root out nationalism - Failure; Ex: Communism in Russia - Various experiments at synthesis of nations - Failure - The dilemma - Our solution: Inner bond for human unity - Hindus alone equipped for World Mission - The first step.
Many people in our country hold the view that any venture that we undertake should be based on a grand world-thought capable of rendering good to the whole of humanity eschewing all narrow limitations of the country, community or religion. In support of this view, some proclaim that in this age of missiles and rockets distance has vanished, boundaries of countries have become meaningless and the whole world has shrunk. They, therefore, feel that the very concept of country, nation, etc., has become outdated, that the spirit of world unity alone should inspire all our activities. They conclude that the modern ‘isms’ which have taken up ‘internationalism’ as their watchword can alone lead us to that cherished goal.
Now, the question that naturally poses itself before us is how far is the task of reorganising the national life of Hindus taken by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, in conformity with the spirit of world unity and human good?
Author : M. S. Golwalkar