Introduction > Page1
Out of our five sense organs, only the tongue is entrusted
with two functions: speech and tasting of different favors (Rasas). Just as
there is a peculiarity of the dual sphere of potentially dangerous activities of this organ
of sense, so also is there a unique peculiarity in achieving control over it. It is said
that if only the tongue is brought under control, then the control over
all other sense organs becomes easy.
The voluptuousness of the worldly person with
regard to this organ of taste appears to be almost universal. This organ, only three
inches in length, has brought the majority of the living beings in the
worlds under its rule. Human beings, animals, even insects, are all under
its spell. In modern times the voluptuousness of this organ of
taste has crossed all limits.
Numerous and varied items are served in the dishes in the
non-vegetarian meals which are prepared from fishes, frogs, rats, cockroaches
and countless carnivorous animals and insects. No big animal has been spared.
Innocent animals, such as sheep, goats, ducks, hens, hares, pigs, deer, cows and bulls,
buffaloes and horses, are slaughtered by the thousands.
Author : Shri Atmanandji (Dr. Soneji)