The practice of staging a "walk-out" from an assembly in protest against something
is nothing new. We learn from the Mahabharata that "walk-out" was resorted to
even in ancient times.
The India of those days consisted of a number
of independent states. Though there was one dharma and one culture throughout the land,
the autonomy of each state was scrupulosly respected.
Occasionally, some strong and ambitious monarch
would seek the assent of his compeers to his overlordship, which would sometimes be given
without question.
After receiving this assent he would perform a
grand Rajasuya sacrifice, which all the acquiescing kings would attend in token of
acknowledgement of his supremacy.
In accordance with this custom, the Pandavas
invited the other kings after the staying of Jarasandha and performed the Rajasuya.
Author : Shri C. Raja Gopalachari