Swami Rama
Tirtha (1873-1906) was one of the greatest spiritual figures of modern India. He also
visited the United States from 1902-1904 and was one of the first great Swamis to bring
the Vedantic teaching to the West, following in the footsteps of Vivekananda.
Though his teachings are on par with Vivekananda-indeed often more
poetic and inspiring-since he formed no organization they are not as well known. Rama did
not even care to collect his own writings. He was such a God intoxicated person that the
entire manifest universe did not count for anything more than straw for him.
His greatness has been recognized by many great people
including Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Shivananda, Paramahansa Yogananda, and Anandamayi Ma. He
is lauded in yogic circles as a Jnani or man of spiritual knowledge. Mahatma Gandhi himself said, "Swami Rama's teachings have got
to be propagated. He was one of the greatest souls, not only of India but of the whole
Author : David Frawley