The Victim For Agni And Soma
1. The Making Of The Sadas
i. 3. 1.
On the impulse of the god Savity, with the arms of the A�vins, with the hands of Pusan, I take thee; thou art the spade, thou art the
The Raksas is encompassed, the evil spirits are encompassed, here do I cut off the neck of the Raksas.
He who hates us and whom we hate, here do I cut off his neck.
To sky thee, to atmosphere thee, to earth thee!
Pure be the world where the Pitrs sit.
Thou art barley (yava); bar (yavaya) from us foes, bar evil spirits.
Thou art the seat of the Pitrs.
Support the sky, fill the atmosphere, make firm the earth.
May Dyutana Maruta set thee up according to the established law of Mitra and Varuna.
Thee that art winner of Brahmans, winner of nobles, winner of fair offspring, winner of increase of wealth, I close in.
Strengthen the Brahmans, strengthen the nobles, strengthen offspring, strengthen increase of wealth.
With ghee, O sky and earth, be filled.
Thou art the seat of Indra, the shade of all folk.
May these our songs, O lover of song,
Encompass thee on all sides,
Strengthening thee whose life is strong;
May they be dear delights.
Thou art the string of Indra; thou art the fixed point of Indra.
Thou art of Indra.
To Indra thee!