To be lonely without being alone is bitter loneliness.
To be alone without being lonely is sweet solitude.
Loneliness is one of the most unnoticeable and Vet one of the most cruel punishments any human being can ever suffer irrespective of one’s race, religion, national origin, sex, and even health and wealth. Loneliness is suffered by countless millions throughout the world. Solitude is quite another thing. Few in this modern world know the true meaning and the real sweetness of solitude
while innumerable persons have tasted the bitterness and endured the misery of loneliness.
Loneliness is involuntary and unnecessary; solitude is voluntary and desirable. In the former, one suffers indescribably; in the latter one enjoys immeasurably. Superficially, the two may appear very much alike, but In essence, in content, and in destiny, they are basically different.
Author : C. Y. Jesse Chiang