who seek the true meaning of existence� are likely to ponder the real mystery of
What is Mysticism ?
What is mysticism ? Some believe there is such a thing while
others do not. Modern� Positivists and naturalists have denied this by their utter indifference. While certain philosophers such as Hobbes, Hume, Comte and Bentham had
virtually no taste for mysticism, the greatest astronomers and scientists throughout the
ages such as� Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, and Einstein had all shown deep concern
over the imp- onderable mysticism.
Mysticism is� what are beyond secular human
comprehension, above human intelligence and it�triumphs over logic and human
reasoning or rationalization. It is and can only be understood as some claim by experience
and not by experiment. Such a description� of mysticism is not accepted by all and
the general understanding of it is that it is contrary to what is natural. Mysticism is
incompatible with enlightenment and should have no place in an age of progress and
science. Some go so far as to condemn mysticism simply as illusion, fantasy, and even
superstition embraced by feeble-minded weaklings, misfits, or escapists.
Author : C. Y. Jesse Chiang