The Preparation Of The Ground For The Fire
1. The Placing Of The Fire On The Throne And Its Adoration
v. 2. 1.
Headed by Visnu the gods won finally these worlds by the metres; in that he strides the strides of Visnu, the sacrificer becoming Visnu wins finally these worlds. 'Thou art the step of Visnu, overcoming hostility', he says; the earth is connected with the Gayatri, the atmosphere with the Tristubh, the sky with the Jagati, the quarters with the Anustubh; verily he wins in order these worlds with the metres. Prajapati created Agni; he being created went away from him [1]; he followed him with this (verse), 'He hath cried'; with it he won the home dear to Agni; in that he repeats this (verse), he wins thereby the home dear to Agni.
Now he who steps the strides of Visnu is apt as he goes away to be burnt up; he turns with four (verses); the. metres are four, Agni's dear body is the metres; verily he turns round on his dear body [2]; he turns round from left to right; verily he turns round on his own strength; therefore the right side of the body is the stronger; verily also does he turn with the turning of the sun. Varuna seized �unah�epa Ajigarti, he saw this verse addressed to Varuna, by it he freed himself from the noose of Varuna; Varuna seizes him who takes the fire-pan; 'From us the highest knot, O Varuna', he says; verily thereby he frees himself from Varuna's noose [3]. 'I have drawn thee', he says, for he draws him. 'Be thou firm and motionless', he says, for support. 'Let all the folk desire thee', he says; verily with the folk he unites him. 'In him establish the kingdom', he says; verily in him he makes the kingdom to abide. If he desire of a man, 'May he be a ruler', he should think of him with his mind; verily he becomes a ruler [4]. 'In greatness he hath risen erect in the van of the dawns', he says; verily he makes him the first of his peers. 'Emerging from the darkness', he says; verily he smites away darkness from him. 'He hath come with the light', he says; verily he bestows light upon him. He places him with four (verses); the metres are four; verily with the metres (he places him); with an Atichandas as the last; the Atichandas is the highest of metres; verily he makes him the highest of his peers; it contains [5] the word 'sit' (sad); verily he makes him attain reality (sat-tv�m). With (the hymn) of Vatsapri he reverences (him); by that did Vatsapri Bhalandana win the home dear to Agni; verily by it he wins the home dear to Agni.
It has eleven (verses); verily in eleven places he bestows strength on the sacrificer. By the Stoma the gods prospered in this world, by the metres in yonder world; the hymn of Vatsapri is the type of the Stoma; in that he pays reverence with (the hymn) of Vatsapri [6], he wins with it this world; in that he strides the steps of Visnu, he wins by them yonder world. On the first day he strides forth, on the next day he pays reverence; therefore the minds of some creatures are set on energy, those of others on rest; therefore the active lords it over him who takes his ease therefore the active fixes upon a man who takes his ease. He clenches his fist, he restrains his speech, for support.