Introduction > Page1
Detachment means true knowledge of the objects of the world through right vision. This realistic knowledge
brings the power to differentiate between the self and the non-self.�
An aspirant (Sadhaka) who realizes such vision and discriminative power, experiences no
attachment towards worldly objects and gradually attains to equanimity and
complete detachment. Looking from one point of view, detachment
is easy to accomplish, while from another point of view, it is
difficult to acquire.�
It is easy because one has to recognize one's own true self and
nature as it really is and in this recognition, no other external agencies can possibly
interfere; no one can hide it from one's true self, Atma. Now looking from the other
angle, it is difficult to acquire because in the normal course, the desire for
attaining truth and its preparation usually arise in later years of life.�
Author : Shri Atmanandji (Dr. Soneji)