1. He must not cause a member of a twice-born caste to be carried out by a S�dra (even though he be a kinsman of the deceased);
2. Nor a S�dra by a member of a twice-born caste.
3. A father and a mother shall be carried out by their sons (who are equal in caste to their parents).
4. But S�dras must never carry out a member of a twice-born caste, even though he be their father.
5. Those Br�hmanas who carry out (or follow the corpse of) a (deceased) Br�hmana who has no relatives shall attain a mansion in heaven.
6. Those who have carried out a dead relative and burnt his corpse, shall walk round the pile from left to right, and then plunge into water, dressed in their clothes.
7. After having offered a libation of water to the deceased, they must place one ball of rice on blades of Kusa grass, (and this ceremony has to be repeated on each subsequent day, while the period of impurity lasts.)
8. Then, having changed their dress, they must
[XIX. 1. M. V, 104.--2. V. III, 26.--6 M.V, 103; Y. III, 26.--7, 8. Y. III, 7, 12, 13.--14-17. M. V, 73; Y. III, 16. 'Chapters XIX-XXXII contain the section on �k�ra, "Holy Usage." (Nand.)]
bite Nimba leaves between their teeth, and having stepped upon the stone threshold, they must enter the house.
9. Then they must throw unbroken grains into the fire.
10. On the fourth day they must collect the bones that have been left.