is an ancient tradition, not to be discarded even on geological grounds, that the
low-lying land between the mainland and Saurashtra was once covered by the sea in which
the Vedic Sarasvati emptied her waters.
It is
equally worth noting that the Puranas refer to Nagas living in Patala.1 Patala, �
later considered to be the nether regions, is associated with Sindh. The Puranic legend
refers to the river Sarasvati having brought Vadavanala, Aurvanala or Kalagni, submarine
fire, to be merged in the sea� near Prabhasa. There are also references to Patala as
the land of the Nagas, as also the place where Vadavanala found a haven on earth.
1 Bhajam-Vide references Gujarat 'Somanatha', pp.
15 and 17.
Author : Shri Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi