26. If it be objected that (Brahman is) not (denoted) on account of the metre being denoted; (we reply) not so, because thus the direction of the mind (on Brahman) is declared; for thus it is seen.
The previous section at first refers to the metre called G�yatr�, 'The G�yatr� indeed is everything' (III, 12, 1), and then introduces--with the words 'this is also declared by a Rik verse'--the verse, 'Such is the greatness of it (viz. the G�yatr�),' &c. Now, as this verse also refers to the metre, there is not any reference to the highest Person.--To this objection the second part of the S�tra replies. The word 'G�yatr�' does not here denote the metre only, since this cannot possibly be the Self of all; but the text declares the application of the idea of G�yatr� to Brahman, i.e. teaches, to the end of a certain result being obtained, meditation on Brahman in so far as similar to G�yatr�. For Brahman having four feet, in the sense indicated by the rik, may be compared to the G�yatr� with its four (metrical) feet. The G�yatr� (indeed has as a rule three feet, but) occasionally a G�yatr� with four feet is met with; so, e.g., 'Indras sak�patih | valena p�ditah | duskyavano vrish� | samitsu s�sahih.' We see that in other passages also words primarily denoting metres are employed in other senses; thus, e.g., in the samvargavidy� (Kh. Up. IV, 3, 8), where Vir�g (the name of a metre of ten syllables) denotes a group of ten divine beings.
For this conclusion the next S�tra supplies a further argument.