ought to be a personal experience. At the philosophical level, the
object of worship is worship itself. Nothing is sought as the end
result. However, in order to reach that advanced level, we need to
begin and practice praying systematically so that our faith in the
Supreme Being is gradually strengthened.
To start with, the object of our
prayer may be that the Almighty grant us the wisdom to enhance our
faith in Him so that we may make a deeper commitment as bhaktas
(devotees). Faith is the critical element without which any ritual
or religious practice is meaningless.
To those who engage in worship of an
ishtadevata (Godhead of one�s choice), Krishna has an unambiguous
warning that is essential for us to note. The message is found in
verse 28 of Chapter 17 (Shraddhatraya Vibhaga Yoga) in the Gita.
Ashraddhayaa hutam dattam
thapastaptham kritamcha yath
asad ithyuchyathe Paarttha na cha thath pretya no iha
Author : Dr.Srinivasan