Introduction According to legend Maharishi Jamdagni after
his return from his pilgrimage at Kailash, to Kulu had repaired to village Malana. He had
his hermitage at Malana. On his return Maharishi Jamdagni carried on his head a basket
full of eighteen images of different gods. When he was crossing the high Chanderkhani
mountain there was a fierce storm and the basket with the idols was thrown off and
scattered to distant places.
The images made themselves into gods. Each
image was covered with a basket, called Kardu, Kardee, Karandee or Kande in Kulu dialect.
Till this time the gods did not take any shape. The legend is that when people started
worshipping the idols, they started idolworship. Kulu valley was the originator of
Author - P.C. Roy Choudhoury