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Volume - II

Hindu Books > Temples And Legends of India > Hindu Temples : What Happened To Them > Volume II


A court order in 1986 threw open for Hindu worship the gates of the temple-turned-mosque at the Rămajanmabhűmi at Ayodhya. Hindus were overjoyed, and started looking forward to the coming up of a grand Răma...

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About Author : Shri Sita Ram Goel

A lot of people in India and abroad talk about communalism, often in grave tones, describing it as a threat to secularism, to regional and world peace. But can anyone show us a communalist? If we look more closely into the case of any so-called communalist, we find that he turns out to be something else.

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Section I : The Tip Of An Iceberg

The Fourth Annual Report of the Minorities’ Commission submitted to the President of India through the Ministry of Home Affairs on April 19, 1983, carries an account of a dispute over the Jămi‘ Masjid at Sidhpur ....

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Section II : Suppressio Veri Suggestio Fawi

What was uncovered at Sidhpur only to be covered up again was verily the tip of an iceberg which remains submerged in hundreds of histories written by Muslim historians, in Hindu literary sources which are slowly ....

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Section III : From The Horse’s Mouth

Commenting on the history of Central Asia, Heinrich Zimmer writes: “During the sixth and early seventh centuries AD the whole tract was controlled by Turkish rulers, but in the course of the seventh ....

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Section IV : Islamic Theology Of Iconoclasm

The destruction of Hindu temples at the hands of Islamized invaders continued for more than eleven hundred years, from the middle of the seventh century to the end of the eighteenth. It took place all over the cradle of Hindu culture ....

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Section V : Appendices

Muslim dynasties which figure in the history of India are divided, by modern historians of medieval India into two categories - Imperial and Provincial. Dynasties which ruled from Delhi/Agra are called Imperial Dynasties ....

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Agrawala, V.S., Masterpieces of Mathura Sculpture, Varanasi, 1965. Ahmad, Qeyamuddin (ed.), Patna through the Ages, New Delhi, 1988. Alberuni’s India, translated by E.C. Sachau, New Delhi Reprint ....

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Published on: 2003-08-09 (3530 reads)

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