Perumal songs form part of the orthodox Saiva canon in the Thevaram, while his
Tirukkailayainanaula in praise of Vadakkunnathan of Trichur or Southern Kailas became the
model for a new style of poetic composition in Tamil. Viralminda Nayanar was born at
Chengannur. He was a Vellala, and as such a Sudra by caste. He was a contemporary of
Cheraman Perumal Nayanar, and a close associate of Sundaramurti Nayafir. In his (Id age he left his native place for Chidambaram. He holds
the devotees of Siva as being more worthy than Siva himself. He once compelled
Sundaramurti who was rushing towards the sanctum to show proper respect to the Sivanatiyar
Tirukkuttam, saying that wherever the Atiyar or devotees were assembled there Siva also
was present. The work of the Nayanars and Alwars led to the establishment of several Saiva
and Vaishnava shrines all over Kerala.
The Tiruvanchikulam temple associated with Cheraman
Perumal and Sundaramurti,and Trivandrum and other Vaishnava shrines praised by
Alwars attracted numerous pilgrims from other parts of India.Kali or Durga, neglected by
the Nayanars and the Alwars, began to be worshipped as Sakti in the Tantras, which claimed
to lead the votary to salvation by a shortcut. In course of time the tantric mode of
worship was adopted by some of the devotees of Siva and Vishnu, who called themselves
Virasaivas and Viravaishnavas respectively. |