Narayaniyam consisting of 1036 stanzas is a summary of the Bhagavata on the one hand and a
prayer to the Lord on the other to bless the devotee with Ayutarogya-saukhyam or long
life, health and happiness.It embodies the quintessence of the message of Bhakti and has
been extremely popular with devotees. Puntanam
Nambudiri was also a great devotee of Lord Krishna of Guruvayur. He lost his infant son
born after years of supplication to Guruvayurappan. Naturally he became distraught and
came to Guruvayur determined to recover his lost child by prayer. Gradually, however
little Krishna took the place of the deceased little one in his heart and wisdom dawned
upon him. "With little Krishna dancing in our hearts", asked he, "why need
little ones of our own?"
Thereafter, he spent the remaining fifty-four years Of his
life in devotion to the Lord of Guruvayur and exhorts I people to read the Bhagavata and
repeat the Lord's nam i as the only way to salvation. The Bhakti cult found expression in
his Malayalam works, Jnanappana or son I of Wisdom, Srikrishna- karnamritam and