On the other
hand the Bhajan parties led by the Saiva Nayanars and the Vaishnava Alwars who went from
place to place, chanting the Lord Is name and singing and dancing in ecstatic joy
attracted them.
Buddhism and Jainism thus lost their appeal to the masses.
While Jainism did hardly leave any impress on Kerala society, Buddhism was absorbed in
Hinduism in respect.of some of its ceremonies and forms of worship. The images, processions and Utsavam, etc., associated with popular
worship in present - day Hindu temples in Kerala are said to be a legacy of Buddhism. Even
the chakiyar kuttu 'conducted in temples is said to be an adaptation of the Buddhist
monk's religious exposition.
Impact of Aryanisation
Now we come to Aryanisation of Kerala, which also began in
the 3rd century B.C. following the advent of Jains and Buddhists. It was a slow but steady
progress resulting in far-reaching changes, in all spheres of human activity. The Aryan
immigrants who were generally Brahmins and who stabilized themselves as the Nambudiris of
Kerala were of two typos. There were those who had taken up small trades and practically
settled down in Kerala.