First Khanda
1. He recites the Vasa hymn, wishing, May everything be in my power.
2. They (its verses) are twenty-one, for twenty-one are the parts (the lungs, spleen, &c.) in the belly.
3. Then the Ekavimsa is verily the support of all Stomas, and the belly the support of all food.
4. They consist of different metres. Verily, the intestines are confused, some small, some large.
5. He recites them with the pranava, according to the metre, and according to rule. Verily, the intestines are according to rule, as it were; some shorter, some longer.
6. Next comes the Sudadohas verse. Sudadohas verily is breath. He joins the joints with breath.
7. After having recited that verse twelve times he leaves it off there. These pranas are verily twelve-fold, seven in the head, two on the breast, three below. In these twelve places the pranas are contained, there they are perfect. Therefore he leaves it off there.
8. The hymn indragni yuvam su nah (Rv. VIII, 40) forms the two thighs (of the bird) belonging to Indra and Agni, the two supports with broad bones.
9. These (verses) consist of six feet, so that they may stand firm. Man stands firm on two feet, animals on four. He thus places man (the sacrificer), standing on two feet, among four-footed cattle.
10. The second verse has seven feet, and he makes it into a Gayatri and Anushtubh. Gayatri is Brahman, Anushtubh is speech; and he thus puts together speech with Brahman.
11. He recites a Trishtubh at the end. Trishtubh is strength, and thus does he come round animals by strength. Therefore animals come near where there is strength (of command, &c.); they come to be roused and to rise up, (they obey the commands of a strong shepherd.)