There is a
reference in Sri Bhagavata, Chapter V, verses 38 to 40, prophesying the birth of holy
saints in the Dravida land by the side of holy rivers. Saint Nammalwar is one of the
Mahatmas in the galaxy of saints, who was born in the Kali Age, B.C. 3102 just 43 days
after the departure of Lord Krishna from the world at the end of Dwapara Yuga. It is
stated that the holy men born in the Krita,
Treta ape, Dwapara Ages wished to take birth in the Kali Age
because they knew that in that Age, great souls devoted to Narayana would be born.
Saint Nanimalwar is considered to be the chief among the
Alwars. The Bhavishya Purana foretold that in the beginning of the Kali Yuga and on the
day when the full moon is in conjunction with the constellation Visakha, Senesa or
Vishwaksena, the chief of the archangels, would incarnate as Nammalwar in order to
popularise the path of Love or Bhakti to Vishnu. Brahmanda Purana. Fixed his place of
birth thus: "In the Pandya land, there is a town called Srinagari (Tirunagari)
situated on the banks of the river Tamravarni where the Conqueror of the Senses is himself
seen in the image of Nammalwar." |