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1. Now follows (the rule regarding) the performance of ordeals.
[39. Nand. takes the term dvigottama, 'the best among the twice-born,' as an equivalent for 'Br�hmanas.' Kull�ka (on M. VIII, 73) refers it to 'twice-born men, who are particularly active in the discharge of their religious duties.'
IX. 2. Y. II, 96, 99.--II. M. VIII, 114, 115; Y. II, 95.--20-22. Y. II, 95, 96, 99.--23. Y. II, 98.--33. Y. II, 97. The whole section on ordeals (IX-XIV) agrees very closely with the corresponding section of the Institutes of N�rada (5, 107-9, 8).]
2. In cases of a criminal action directed against the king, or of violence[1] (they may be administered) indiscriminately.
3. In cases of (denial of) a deposit or of (alleged.)
theft or robbery they must be administered each according to the value (of the property claimed).
4. In all such cases the value (of the object claimed) must be estimated in gold.
5. Now if its value amounts to less than one Krishnala, a S�dra must be made to swear by a blade of D�rv� grass, (which he must hold in his hand);
6. If it amounts to less than two Krishnala, by a blade of Tila;
7. If it amounts to less than three Krishnala, by a blade of silver;
8. If it amounts to less than four Krishnala, by a blade of gold;
9. If it amounts to less than five Krishnala, by a lump of earth taken from a furrow;
10. If it amounts to less than half a Suvarna, a S�dra must be made to undergo the ordeal by sacred libation;