Siva Temples In West Bengal
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Temples Of India


In the Midnapore district of Bengal, there are many temples dedicated to the gods of major cults of Hinduism, like Sakti, Siva, Vishnu etc. Dantan, due to lying on the border of the state of Orissa shares many traditions and customs of Oriyas. A harmonious blend of two cultures is discernable, if deeper examination is undertaken. This cultural interchange was forged by the groups of devotees visiting both in their two-way traffic.

It is here in the town of Dantan, the favourite place of halt of the pilgrims on account of the availability of all amenities, many temples came up displaying a synthesis of two distinct cultures. The temple of Syamaleswar possessing Saivate gods and Sivalinga in the sanctum sanctorum is an example to the point in question. An imposing majestic image of Nandi, the divine vehicle of Lord Siva, installed at the entrance greets the theists first. Several worshipful gods are duly set up and their craftsmanship lifts the souls. Alas ! the ruthless iconoclast Kalaphar multilated the splendor of Nandi by cutting off the forelegs; yet its dignified bearing bends heads in veneration at its first sight even. A large tank lying opposite supplies the devotees with its pure water for bath and drink. The tall Sikhara built with trisul atop joins hands of the devotees, who utter Harahar Mahadev when it gleams into their sight.

It lies 60 km off Midnapore, on the Orissa Trunk Road and itself is a railhead of the same name on the South Eastern Railway.

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About Dantan - Syamaleswar Temple