Siva Temples In West Bengal
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Among several temples built for Sakti, Vishnu and Siva in the twenty four parganas of Bengal, particularly in the villages of Bhatpara, Kumarabatta and Halisahar, a large number of Siva temples deserve mention and visitation for adoration. Though this region was under the strong influence of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the staunch Vaishnavate of Bengal, Saivism was not completely thrown out. There are many Siva temples though found in decadent condition now, are testifying to the glory of Saivism in their heyday. Their superb execution and masterly finish with sculptural adornments on the walls and ceilings, speak volumes of the builders' magnanimity and adorers' preference for Siva and Saivate gods. Moreover, this area was a great centre of Hindu culture and deemed highly advanced in learning, especially in the ancient lore treasured up in the Sanskrit language. The temples too were built in the extent models of charchala, pancharatna and Navaratna types,- and their grandeur and imposing statures wring veneration. Besides these Siva temples, this whole region is scattered with temples built for Sakti and Vaishnavate gods.

Those temples are accessible by four wheelers from Calcutta commanding every transport facility round the clock.

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About Halisahar - Siva Temples