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Pada III

Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Vedanta - Sutras > Adhyaya I > Pada III

Third Pada : 1. The Abode Of Heaven, Earth Is The Highest Self...

The followers of the Atharva-veda have the following text, 'He in whom the heaven, the earth and the sky are woven, the mind also ....

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2. And On Account Of Its Being Declared That To Which The Released Have To Resort

The Person who is the abode of heaven, earth, and so on, is also declared by the text to be what is to be reached by those who are released from the bondage of Samsara existence.

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3. Not That Which Is Inferred...

As the section under discussion does not treat of the Pradhana, there being no terms referring to that, so it is with regard to the individual soul also.

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4. On Account Of The Declaration Of Difference

'On the same tree man sits immersed in grief, bewildered by "anisa"; but when he sees the other one, the Lord, contented, and his glory; then his grief passes away' (Mu. Up. III, 1, 2).

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5. On Account Of The Subject-Matter

It has been already shown, viz. under I, 2, 21, that the highest Brahman constitutes the initial topic of the Upanishad.

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6. And On Account Of Abiding And Eating

'Two birds, inseparable friends, cling to the same tree. One of them eats the sweet fruit; without eating, the other looks on' (Mu. Up. III, 1, 1).

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7. The Bhūman Is The Highest Self

The Khandogas read as follows: 'Where one sees nothing else, hears nothing else, knows nothing else, that is fulness (bhuman).

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8. And On Account Of The Suitability Of The Attributes

The attributes also which the text ascribes to the bhūman suit the highest Self only. So immortality ('The Bhuman is immortal,' VII, 24, 1).

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9. The Imperishable Is Brahman, On Account Of Its Supporting That Which Is The End Of Ether

The Vagasaneyins, in the chapter recording the questions asked by Gargi, read as follows: 'He said, O Gargi, the Brahmanas call that the Imperishable.

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10. And This Supporting Springs From Command...

The text declares that this supporting of ether and all other things proceeds from command. 'In the command of that Imperishable sun and moon stand ....

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11. And On Account Of The Exclusion Of What Is Of Another Nature Than Brahman

Another nature, i. e. the nature of the Pradhana, and so on. A supplementary passage excludes difference on the part of the Imperishable from the supreme Person.

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12. On Account Of His Being Designated As The Object Of Seeing, The Highest Self Is That Object

The followers of the Atharva-veda, in the section containing the question asked by Satyakama, read as follows :

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13. The Small Ether Is Brahman...

The Khandogas have the following text, 'Now in that city of Brahman there is the palace, the small lotus, and in it that small ether.

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14. On Account Of The Going And Of The Word...

'As people who do not know the country walk again and again over a gold treasure' &c., 'thus do all these creatures day after day go into that Brahma-world' (Kh. Up. VIII, 3, 2).

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15. And On Account Of There Being Observed In That Small Ether...

In continuation of the passage 'It is the Self free from Sin,' &c., which refers to the small ether, the text says: 'it is a bank, a limitary support,...

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16. And On Account Of The Settled Meaning

The word 'ether,' moreover, is known to have, among other meanings, that of Brahman.

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17. If It Be Said That On Account Of Reference To The Other One He Is Meant; We Say No...

An objection is raised to the argumentation that, on account of complementary passages, the small ether must be explained to mean the highest Self.

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18. The Soul In So Far As Its True Nature Has Become Manifest

The Purvapakshin now maintains that we ascertain from a subsequent declaration made by Pragapati that it is just the individual Soul that possesses freedom from sin and the other qualities enumerated.

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19. And The Reference Has A Different Meaning

The text in question declares that the released individual soul when reaching the highest light, i.e. Brahman, which is free from all sin, and so on ...

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20. If It Be Said, Owing To The Scriptural Declaration Of Smallness...

The text describes the ether within the heart as being of small compass, and this agrees indeed with the individual soul which elsewhere ....

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21. And On Account Of The Imitation Of That

The individual soul, free from bondage, and thus possessing the qualities of freedom from sin, &c., cannot be the small ether ....

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22. The Same Is Declared By Smriti Also

Smriti also declares that the transmigrating soul when reaching the state of Release 'imitates,' i.e. attains supreme equality of attributes with the highest Brahman.

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23. On Account Of The Term, The One Measured

We read in the Kathavalli 'The Person of the size of a thumb stands in the middle of the Self, as lord of the past and the future, and henceforward fears no more' ....

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24. But With Reference To The Heart, Men Being Qualified

In so far as the highest Self abides, for the purpose of devout meditation, in the heart of the devotee--which heart is of the measure of a thumb ....

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25. Also Beings Above Them, i.e. Men...

In order to prove that the highest Brahman may be viewed as having the size of a thumb, it has been declared that the scriptural texts enjoining meditation on Brahman are the concern of men.

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26. If It Be Said That There Results A Contradiction To Work; We Deny This

An objection here presents itself. If we admit the gods to have bodies, a difficulty arises at the sacrifices, as it is impossible that one and the same corporeal Indra.

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27. If It Be Said That A Contradiction Will Result With Regard To Words...

Well then let us admit that there is no difficulty as far as sacrifices are concerned, for the reason stated in the preceding Sutra.

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28. And For This Very Reason Eternity Of The Veda

As words such as Indra and Vasishtha, which denote gods and Rishis, denote (not individuals only, but) classes, and as the creation of those beings ....

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29. And On Account Of The Equality Of Names And Forms There Is No Contradiction...

On account of the sameness of names and forms, as stated before, there is no difficulty in the way of the origination of the world, even in the case of total pralayas.

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30. On Account Of The Impossibility Of Qualification...

So far it has been proved that also the gods, and so on, are qualified for the knowledge of Brahman.

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31. And On Account Of (Meditating On The Part Of The Gods) Being In The Light

'Him the devas meditate upon as the light of lights, as immortal time' (Bri. Up. IV, 4, 16).

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32. But Badarayana (Maintains) The Existence (Of Qualification)

The Reverend Badarayana thinks that the Ādityas, Vasus, and so on, are also qualified for meditations on divinities.

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33. That Grief Of Him Arose...

From what the text says about Ganasruti Pautrayana having been taunted by a flamingo for his want of knowledge of Brahman, and having thereupon resorted to Raikva ....

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34. And On Account Of Ganasruti Kshattriya-Hood Being Understood

The first section of the vidya tells us that Ganasruti bestowed much wealth and food; later on he is represented as sending his door-keeper on an errand ....

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35. On Account Of The Inferential Sign Further On...

The kshattriya-hood of Ganasruti is further to be accepted on account of the Kshattriya Abhipratarin Kaitraratha, who is mentioned further on ....

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36. On Account Of The Reference To Ceremonial Purifications...

In sections the purport of which is to give instruction about Brahman the ceremony of initiation is referred to, 'I will initiate you; he initiated him' (Kh. Up. IV, 4).

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37. And On Account Of The Procedure, On The Ascertainment Of The Non-Being Of That

That a Sūdra is not qualified for knowledge of Brahman appears from that fact also that as soon as Gautama has convinced himself that Gabala ....

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38. And On Account Of The Prohibition Of Hearing, Studying, And Performance Of (Vedic) Matter

The Sudra is specially forbidden to hear and study the Veda and to perform the things enjoined in it. 'For a Sudra is like a cemetery ....

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39. And On Account Of Smriti

Smriti also declares this prohibition of hearing, and so on. 'The ears of him who hears the Veda are to be filled with molten lead and lac ....

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40. On Account Of The Trembling

In the part of the Katha-Upanishad which intervenes between the passage 'The Person of the size of a thumb stands in the middle of the Self (II, 4, 12), and the passage ....

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41. On Account Of Light Being Seen

Between the two texts referring to the Person of the size of a thumb, there is a text declaring that to that Person there belongs light that obscures all other light ....

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42. The Ether, On Account Of The Designation Of Something Different, And So On

We read in the Khāndogya. 'The ether is the evolver of forms and names. That within which these forms and names are (or "that which is within--or without--these forms and names") ....

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43. On Account Of Difference In Deep Sleep And Departing

We have to supply 'on account of designation' from the preceding Sūtra. Because the text designates the highest Self as something different from the individual ....

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44. And On Account Of Such Words As Lord

That embracing highest Self is further on designated by terms such as Lord, and so on. 'He is the Lord of all, the master of all, the ruler of all.

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Published on: 2003-07-05 (1739 reads)

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