1. The impurity of a Br�hmana caused by the birth or death of Sapindas lasts ten days.
2. In the case of a Kshatriya (it lasts) twelve days.
3. In the case of a Vaisya (it lasts) fifteen days.
4. In the case of a S�dra (it lasts) a month.
5. The relationship of Sapinda ceases with the seventh man (in descent or ascent).
6. During the period of impurity oblations (to the Visvedev�s), gifts and receiving of alms, and study have to be interrupted.
[XXII. 1-4. M. V, 83; Y. III, 18, 22; �past. I, 5, 16, 18; Gaut. XIV, 1-4.--5. M. V, 60; �past. II, 6, 15, 2; Gaut. XIV, 13.--25. M. V, 66; Y. III, 20; Gaut. XIV, 17.--27. Y. III, 23; Gaut. XIV, 44.--28. M. V, 69; Y. III, I.--29, 30. M. V, 67; Y. III, 23.--35. M. V, 79; Y. III, 20; Gaut. XIV, 6.--36, 37. Gaut. XIV, 7, 8.--38. M. V, 79; Y. III, 20.--39-41. M. V, 75, 76; Y. III, 21; Gaut. XIV, 19.--42. M. V, 80; Y. III, 24.--43. Y. III, 25.--44. M. V, 80, 81; Y. III, 24; Gaut. XIV, 20.--45. M. V, 82; Y. III, 25.--46. M. V, 81; Gaut. XIV, 20.--47. M. V, 89; Y. III, 21, 27; Gaut. XIV, 10-12.--48-55. M. V, 93-95; Y. III, 27-29.--48, 49. Gaut. XIV, 45, 46.--56. M. V, 89; Y. III, 21; Gaut. XIV, 12.--63-65. M. V, 103; Y. III, 26; Gaut. XIV, 31--67. M. V, 144--69. M. V, 85; Y. III, 30; �past. II, 1, 2, 8, 9; Gaut. XIV, 30.--70. M. V, 87.--75. M. V, 145; Y. I, 196; �past. I, 5, 16, 14; Gaut. I, 37.--81. M. V, 135.--82. M. XI, 95.--84. M. XI, 96.--85. M. V, 65.--86. M. V, 91.--87. M. V, 88.--88-93. M. V, 105-110; Y. III, 31-34.]
7. No one must eat the food of one impure (unless he be a Sapinda of his).
8. He who eats but once the food of Br�hmanas or others, while they are impure, will remain impure as long as they.
9. When the (period of) impurity is over, he must perform a penance (as follows):
10. If a twice-born man has eaten (the food) of a member of his own caste, while the latter was impure, he must approach a river and plunge into it, mutter the (hymn of) Aghamarshana[1] three times, and, after having emerged from the water, must mutter the G�yatr�[2] one thousand and eight times.