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22. And On Account Of The Objections...

Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Vedanta - Sutras > Adhyaya II > Pada II > 22. And On Account Of The Objections...


22. And on account of the objections presenting themselves in either case.

It has been shown that neither origination from nothing, as held by the advocates of general momentariness, is possible; nor the passing away into nothing on the part of the thing originated. The acknowledgment of either of these views gives rise to difficulties. If the effect originates from nothing, it is itself of the nature of nothing; for it is observed that effects share the nature of what they originate from. Pitchers and ornaments, e.g. which are produced from clay and gold respectively, possess the nature of their causal substances.

But you hold yourself that the world is not seen to be of the nature of nothingness; and certainly it is not observed to be so.--Again, if that which is underwent absolute destruction, it would follow that after one moment the entire world would pass away into nothingness; and subsequently the world again originating from nothingness, it would follow that, as shown above, it would itself be of the nature of nothingness (i.e. there would no longer be a real world).--There being thus difficulties on both views, origination and destruction cannot take place as described by you.

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Published on: 2003-07-10 (1397 reads)

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22. And On Account Of The Objections...

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