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Free Corresponding Course On Bhagwad Gita

Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > Bhagwad Gita > Free Corresponding Course On Bhagwad Gita


The Gita is a doctrine of universal truth. Its message is universal, sublime, and non sectarian although it is a part of the scriptural trinity of Sanaatana Dharma, commonly known as Hinduism.

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Transcendental Knowledge

The Supreme Lord said: O Arjuna, you speak like a wise, but grieve for those who are not worthy o grief. The wise should not lament for the living or for the dead.

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Path Of Karma - Yoga

The Supreme Lord said: There are two methods or paths of spiritual practice.

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Path Of Knowledge

Whenever there is a decline of Dharma and the rise of Adharma then I incarnate Myself, O Arjuna.

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Path Of Renunciation

The wise see no difference between Sanyaasa, the renunciation of selfish activities, and Karma- yoga, the performance of one's worldly duty as a Seva.

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Path Of Meditation

When there is no desire for sensual pleasures, or attachment to the fruits of work, and one has renounced all selfish desires, then one is said to have attained yogic perfection.

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Self-Knowledge And Self-Realization

The matter is My lower energy. My other higher energy is the spirit by which this entire universe is sustained, O Arjuna.

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Imperishable Brahman

The Supreme Lord said: The Supreme God is called the imperishable Brahman.

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Supreme Knowledge And The Big Mystery

This entire universe is pervaded by Supreme (or Para) Brahman. All beings depend on God as a gold chain depends on gold, but, God does not depend on anybody.

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Manifestation Of The Absolute

I am the source of all. Everything originates from Me. Understanding this, the wise ones worship Me with love and devotion.

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Vision Of The Cosmic Form

Arjuna Said: O Lord, You are as You have said to be, yet I wish to see Your divine cosmic form, O Supreme Being.

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Path Of Devotion

The Supreme Lord said: I consider them to be the best yogis who worship, with supreme faith, by fixing their mind on a personal god with form.

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Creation And The Creator

Brahman is the creator of the entire creation, O Arjuna. The true understanding of both the creator and the creation is called Jnaana.

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Three Gunas Of Nature

O Arjuna, The material nature is the womb wherein I place the seed of spirit from which all living beings are born.

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Supreme Spirit

Those who are free from pride, who have conquered the devil of attachment, whose mind is constantly dwelling in the Supreme Self.

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Divine And The Demonic Qualities

Lust, anger, and greed are the three gates of hell leading to the Karmic bondage and reincarnation of Jeeva.

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Three Fold Faith

O Arjuna, the faith of each is in accordance with one's own nature. A person is known by the faith.

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Nirvana Through Renunciation

The Supreme Lord said: The sages call Sanyaasa as the renunciation of selfish work.

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The Farewell Message of Lord Krishna Lord Krishna on the eve of His departure from the arena of this world, after finishing the difficult task of establishing Dharma.

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Free Gita Lessons

The Gita is a book of universal truth. Its message is universal, sublime, and non- sectarian although it is a part of the scriptural trinity of Sanatana Dharma.

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Published on: 2003-02-08 (3577 reads)

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