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Criminal and Civil Law

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Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Institutes Of Vishnu > Criminal and Civil Law


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1. Great criminals should all be put to death.

[7-10. These names refer to weights of gold.

V. 2, 3. M. VIII, 124; IX, 239, 241; Gaut. XII, 46, 47.--3-7. M. IX, 237.--8. M. IX, 241; VIII, 380.--9, 11. M. IX, 232.--12, 13. M. VIII, 320, 321.--18. M. VIII, 371.--19. M. VIII, 279; Y. II, 215; �past. II., 10, 27, 14; Gaut. XII, 1.--20-22. M. VIII, 281, 282; �past. II, 10, 27, 15; Gaut. XII, 7.--23. M. VIII, 270, �past. II, 10, 27, 14.--24. M. VIII, 272.--25. M. VIII, 271.--26-28. M. VIII, 273-275.--27. Y. II, 204.--29, 30, Y. II. 210.--31-33. Y. II, 211-- 35. M. VIII, 269.--36. M. VIII, 268; Gaut. XII, 12.--40, 41. M. VIII, 382-385.--40, 44. Y. II, 286, 289-45. M. VIII, 224.--47. M. VIII, 225.--49. Y. II, 297.--50, 52. M. VIII, 296-298; Y. II, 225, 226.--55-58. M. VIII, 285; Y. II, 227-229.--60, 61. M. VIII, 280.--60-73. Y. II, 216-221.--66-68. M. VIII, 283, 284.--74. M. IX, 274.--75. {footnote p. 25} M. VIII, 289; Y. II, 222.--77. M. VIII, 325.--79. 320.--81, 82. M. VIII, 322.--83, 84. M. VIII, 326-329.--85, 86. M. VIII, 330; Gaut. XII, 18.--89, 90. Y. II, 270-94. M. VIII, 392; Y. II, 263.--96, 97. M. VIII, 393.--98-103. Y. II, 296.--104. Y. II, 234.--106, 107. M. IX, 282.--108. Y. II, 223.--110. Y. II, 224.--111. Y. II, 236.--113. M. VIII, 389; Y. II, 237.--115-123. Y. II, 232, 235, 236, 239-241.--124-126. Y. II, 246, 250.--127. Y. II, 254.--127, 128, Colebrooke, Dig. III, 3, XXII.--129. Y. II, 255.--130. M. VIII, 399; Y. II. 261.--131. Y. II, 263.--132. M. VIII, 407.--134, 135. Y. II, 202.--136. M. IX, 277; Y. II, 274.--137, 138. M. VIII, 235; Y. II, 164.--137-139, Colebrooke, Dig. III, 4, XIV.--140. Y. II, 159.--10. Gaut. XII, 19.--142-145. Y. II, 159, 160.--142-144. Gaut. XII, 22-25.--140-146. Colebrooke, Dig. III, 4, XLV, 4.--146. M. VIII, 241; Y. II, 161; Gaut. XII, 19.--147, 148. M. VIII, 238, 240; Y. II, 162; Gaut. XII, 21.--147-149. Colebrooke, Dig. III, 4, XXI.--150. M. VIII, 242; Y. II, 163-151. M. VIII, 412; Y. II, 183; Colebrooke, Dig. III, 1, LVIII.--152. Y. II, 183.--153, 154. M. VIII, 215; Y. II, 193; �past. II, 11, 28, 2, 3.--153-159. Colebrooke, Dig. III, 1, LXXX.--155, 156. Y. II, 197.--160. M. IX, 71; Y. I, 65.--162. M. IX, 72; Y. I, 66.--163. M. VIII, 399.--162, 163. Colebrooke, Dig. IV, 1, LX.--164, 165. M. VIII, 202; Y. II, 170.--166. Y. II, 168.--167, 168. Y. II, 187.--169-171. M. VIII 191.--172. M. IX, 291; Y. II, 155.--174. M. IX, 285; Y. II, 297.--175-177. M. IX, 284; Y. II, 242.--178. Y. II, 232.--179- M. VIII, 123; Y. II, 81; �past. II, 11, 29, 8; Gaut, XIII, 23.--180. Y. I, 338.--183. Colebrooke, Dig. I, 3, CXX.--189. M. VIII, 350.--190. M. VIII, 351.--194. M. VIII, 126; Y. I, 367.--195. M. VIII, 128; Y. II, 243, 305.]

2. In the case of a Br�hmana. no corporal punishment must be inflicted.

3. A Br�hmana must be banished from his own country, his body having been branded.

[1. The crimes by the commission of which a man becomes a Mah�patakin, 'mortal sinner,' will be enumerated below, XXXV.

2. The use of the particle ka implies, according, to Nand. and a passage of Yama quoted by him, that, besides brawling him, the criminal should be shorn, his deed publicly proclaimed, and himself mounted upon an ass and led about the town.]

4. For murdering another Br�hmana, let (the figure of) a headless corpse be impressed on his forehead;

5. For drinking spirits, the flag of a seller of spirituous liquor;

6. For stealing (gold), a dog's foot,

7. For incest, (the mark of) a female part.

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