Chandrasekharendra Saraswati His
Holiness Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati is the Sankaracharya who adorns the
kanchi Kamakoti Pitha in Tamilnadu. His Holiness is the 68th in the
succession of
the occupants of the Pitha. He is devoutly adored by his disciples
and held in reverential esteem by numerous others for his scholarship in the
saastras and knowledge of
modern developments, for his saintliness and for his inclusive universality of
outlook and
attitude. His gracious eyes which beam a benediction and his viting
smile which
casts a spell of intimacy leave and everlasting impression on all those who have
had the
good fortune to have a darshan of him. An
itinerant ascetic that he is , traversing the country on foot.
His holiness holds large audiences in thrall by the discourses that he
delivers in Tamil in such sweet simple words which are the
despair of the pedant and the delight of the innocent. His
expositions of Hindu religion, some of which are reproduced here, have
a classical fidelity which one misses in modern 'liberal'
treatments. The reader will be amply rewarded by a careful study
of its contents which show the raison d'etre of many doctrines and
tenets of Hindu religion not generally understood in their proper
import. |