"Sir, it is for you to advise me. Tell me what should be done. Give
your best consideration to the difficulties of the situation and decide and let us do it
quickly." Puzzled and perplexed, thus did Duryodhana plead.
Drona replied: "My son, the situation is no doubt serious. Three
great generals have advanced, outmanoeuvring us. But they have as much reason to be
anxious as we, for their rear is now left as open to attack as ours. We are on both sides
of them and their position is not therefore safe.
Be heartened, go up to Jayadratha again, and do all you can to support
him. It is of no avail to dishearten oneself by dwelling on past defeats and difficulties.
It is best I stay here and send you reinforcements as and when required.
I must keep the Panchalas and Pandava army engaged here. Otherwise, we
shall be wholly destroyed."
Accordingly, Duryodhana went with fresh reinforcements again to where
Arjuna was directing his attack on Jayadratha.