SALYA, the ruler of Madradesa, was the brother of Madri, the mother of
Nakula and Sahadeva. He heard that the Pandavas were camping in the city of Upaplavya and
making preparations for war.
He collected a very big army and set off towards that city to join the
Pandavas. Salya's army was so large that where it halted for rest, the encampment extended
over a length of nearly fifteen miles.
News of Salya and his marching, forces reached Duryodhana. who,
deciding that Salya should somehow be persuaded to join his side, instructed his officers
to provide him and his great army with all facilities and treat them to sumptuous
In accordance with Duryodhana's instruc- tion, several beautifully
decorated rest houses were erected at severalplaces on the route, at which Salya and his
men were treated to wondrous hospitality. Food and drink were lavishly provided.
Salya was exceedingly pleased with the attentions paid to him but
assumed that his nephew, Yudhishthira, had arranged all this. Salya's army marched on, the
earth shaking beneath their heavy strides.