Salya attacked his nephews. Nakula's horses were killed and he had to join
his brother in the latter's chariot. Both continued the fight from the same car. Salya was
hit by Sahadeva's arrow and swooned. The charioteer skilfully drove the car away and saved
When the Madra king* was seen retreating from the field Duryodhana's
army lost heart and the twin sons of Madri blew their conchs in triumph and, taking
advantage of the situation, inflicted heavy damage on Salya's forces.
At noon, Yudhishthira led an attack on Srutayu. The latter's well-aimed
arrows intercepted Dharmaputra's missiles, and his armour was pierced and he was severely
Yudhishthira then lost his temper and sent a powerful arrow which
pierced Srutayu's breast-plate. That day, Yudhishthira was not his normal self and burnt
with anger.
Srutayu's charioteer and horses were killed and the chariot was smashed
and he had to flee on foot from the field. This completed the demorahsation of
Duryodhana's army.