Major Sections
Books By David Frawley



Keys To The Awakening Of Bharata

Preface by the Author regarding this "Awaken Bharata".



Hinduism is well known as the oldest religion in the world, the only major world religion without a specific founder or an historical beginning.


A Call For An Intellectual (Bauddhika) Kshatriya

The Importance Of Kshatriya Dharma

We live in the age of the information revolution, which has taken a quantum leap since the introduction of computers and the opening up of the Internet.


The ancient Vedic seers provided different teachings for different levels and temperaments of human beings.


The Two Wings of Dharma

Anti-Brahmanism, the New Communalism of Modern India

The great majority of people in the world do not seem to respect the principle of non-violence that India appears to uphold as the ideal way of action.


Communalism is discrimination against a group of people because of the particular community to which they happen to belong.


Sarva Dharma Samabhava : Unity or Confusion of Religions

The Danger of Hinduism Speaking in the name of Other Religions

A common tenet of Hinduism is "Sarva Dharma Sambhava, which literally means that all Dharmas (truths) are equal to or harmonious with each other.


Modern Hindus like to say that they are also Christians or Muslims, that they believe in the Bible and Koran, or that they respect Jesus or Mohammed as avatars and great Yogis.


Hinduism Under Siege and Religious Tolerance 

Devic and Asuric Forms of Mysticism

All the religions of the world today claim to be tolerant.


The Hindu Yoga tradition is well aware of the fact there are many different states of altered consciousness or mysticism.


Sufis and Militance

Hindu Dharma and The Clash of Culture

Hindus are great believers in mysticism and often let their discrimination disappear in face of claims of spiritual experiences or powers.


A new idea popular in the global arena today is that of "the clash of cultures.


The New Masks of Colonialism

Hindu Political and Religious Critiques

Western colonialism did not die after the end of World War II when the West gave up its colonies.


Modern Hindus appear to be unable to discriminate between how to deal with other religions on a political level, on one hand, versus how to deal with them on a religious level, on the other.


The Hindu Renaissance at a Turning Point

Vedic Dharma and the Universal  Religion

Hindu Dharma requires not merely a spiritual revival today but a cultural and intellectual renaissance.


There is only One Truth behind this vast universe in which we live. A singular cosmic order sustains all the different laws of physics, biology and consciousness.


A Hindu Call for Religious Pluralism

Hinduism is the largest pluralistic religion in the world. It teaches that there are many paths, many sages, and many holy books and that no religion can claim any exclusive or final representation of truth.


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