Awaken Bharata
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
Western colonialism did not die after the end of World War II when the West gave up its colonies. It merely changed to a more subtle form, which may prove more harmful to non-Western cultures in the long run. 

The expansion of Western culture has continued at an accelerated rate along with the denigration and decline of non-Western civilizations and their religion, art, literature and customs.

 This new colonialism has taken on several new faces or, rather, new masks. It masquerades itself through democracy, internationalism, free trade and humanitarianism. 

In the name of modernization and globalization it pretends to be uplifting peoples whom it is really exploiting and whose culture it is eliminating. 

This is not different than colonialism originally, which vaunted itself as the bringer of civilization and culture to the uncivilized world.

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About The New Masks Of Colonialism
The Colonial Era Pg1
The Colonial Era Pg2
The Colonial Era Pg3
 The Hidden...Pg1
The Hidden...Pg2
The Hidden...Pg3
The Hidden...Pg4
The New Econnomic..Pg1
The New Economic..Pg2
The New Intellectual..Pg1
The New Intellectual..Pg2
The New Intellectual..Pg3
The Academic..Pg1
The Academic..Pg2
The Academic..Pg3
Missionary Colonialism..Pg1
Missionary Colonialism..Pg2
Military Colonialism
The        Danger ...Pg1
The Danger...Pg2